Web Design II
IST 226- Section 82A D
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College
Summer 2001
( Return to Resume)

 Instructor: Shirley J. Hoerter, M.Ed.
Home 378-5151
Office Hours: by appointment 
Dates and Time of Class: Class Textbooks: Materials:
Honor System:
Students in this class are expected to observe and abide by the honor statute governing student
conduct at J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College.

Students are expected to attend classes and to notify the professor if absences are unavoidable.
Students are responsible for all materials, homework, tests, and other assignments which they miss due
to absences from classes. Partial credit only may be given for class assignments missed due to absences.
More than FOUR absences for any reason will result in failure of the course. We will be using class time for
demonstrations, practice, class assignments, and tests. Students are expected to arrive on-time to
class and to remain for the entire class. Notification is expected if an emergency situation requires you to
leave a class before the end of the class period. An attendance sheet will be passed around at the
beginning of each class for you to sign. If you are not in class when this sheet is passed around. you will be counted absent. 

Make-up Policy:
I always prefer that tests and exams are taken during the scheduled times. In order to take a test on a <br>day other than the scheduled test day, the student must make arrangement with the professor before <br>the regularly scheduled test and have a valid reason for missing the scheduled test. Ten (10) points can <br>be deducted from the grade unless you have a written doctor's excuse. A second makeup for the same <br>student can be a fifteen (15) point deduction. 

Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000. Text Editors (NotePad or WordPad), Microsoft FrontPage 2000, "Personal Web Server/IIS (free). Student prices for the FrontPage 2000 are available from-the J. Sargeant Reynolds Bookstore. 

Course Objectives:
The purpose of this course is to expose you to advanced HTML and familiarize you with different approaches for creating Web pages that process HTML forms, and interact with a database. You will learn how to create Web pages that interact with an Access databas using the following technologies: client- side scripts. using JavaScript and VBScript; server-side scripts, using Active Server Pages. Example problems will be completed using an Access database with a strong emphasis being placed on the creation of objects and components using ASP scripts and programming languages. 

Students will

Grades and Assignments:
Class Attendance and Participation .............................................................................. 20%
Assignments................................................................................................................  20%
Project and presentation .............................................................................................  35%
Test ...........................................................................................................................   25%

You may have assignments from your books and/or additional assignments created by your professor. These assignments are due at the beginning of the class period. T en (10) points per week will be deducted from late assignments. Assignments that are more than two weeks late will not be accepted without a valid reason.

Please staple (upper left corner) a cover sheet with your name, assignment name, class name, and the date. This procedure ensures your receiving deserved credit for submitted assignments. Failure to use this format could result in a five (5) point deduction on the assignment. 

A project will be created and shared with the class by the end of the semester. You must get approval from your professor for the project you choose. A storyboard and component sheet should be submitted with each project. Projects must be uploaded to the student web server in a folder named Project. Create a link from the default.htm page within the root of your web to this project. Students will be required to fill-in a Website Observation sheet on the projects presented. This will count as two class assignments. 

Online and hands-on quizzes may be given to help you learn the material.

There will be at least one objective test. A hands-on test will accompany the objective test component.

Grading Scale:
100-90 .......................................................................   A
89-80   .......................................................................   B
79- 70  ......................................................................    C
69-60   .....................................................................     D

Important Dates to Remember:
Classes Begin ...........................  May 21
Last Day to Withdraw  ..............  July 2
Classes End  ............................   July 30

IST 226 Web Design II
Course Content

Weeks 1 & 2: May 21, June 4

Weeks 3 & 4:June 11, 18

Weeks 5 & 6:June 25, July 2 

Weeks 7 & 8:July 9,16 

Weeks 9 & 10: July 23, 30

Example:             Default.htm
